Arts & Culture


4 - 5 Sep, 2021

France eMOTION

An augmented reality photographic exhibition which transports you to some of the most iconic monuments in France.

Four international photographers, Ishola Akpo from Benin, Edu Monteiro from Brazil, David Schalliol from the USA and Lourdes Segade from Spain, have travelled extensively, camera in hand, through regional in France. Each photographer offers a unique view of the diversity of French architectural heritage. Visitors will be taken on a dazzling voyage around fort walls, across the parks of châteaux, through museums and contemporary art spaces, and into the vaults of abbeys and through the arches of ancient bridges along the way.

Discover the rich history dormant in the old stones of castles and fortified towns.Take in the sheer variety of locations which house works of art, palaces and mansions, abandoned factories and modern avant-garde constructions.

The exhibition features 35 images focusing on cultural, historical and architectural places of interest in France. Whilst looking at the static images, patrons will be able to download an app and virtually explore these locations with their mobile phones, thanks to clever interactive digital French technology.

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04/09/21 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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05/09/21 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Swanston Hall, Lower Melbourne Town Hall

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